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Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Rainbow

As we have opportunity, let us do good to all.
A rainbow is a sign of God’s promise never again to destroy the earth by flood. But that was little comfort to the people of Grand Forks, North Dakota, in April of 1997. Eight blizzards, an ice storm, spring rains, and an early thaw had relocated their comfortable homes, schools, stores, and churches into a world of water.
Hal Olsen, the disaster relief coordinator for International Aid, immediately arranged to “flood” the area with eight truck loads of life-sustaining supplies and gospel tracts. They were distributed by churches in the region.
One man was deeply affected by his help. He had been very hostile to a church across the street from his house and even tried to block it from being built in his neighborhood. But when he saw how the church responded to people in need, he said tearfully, “Now I’ve seen the church outside its walls.”
We must not be content to stay within the walls of our church. We need to execute God’s love in word and deed outside the walls – to ALL people.
Too often we get caught up in our own little world and forget all the people around us that are in need. It is easy to talk about statistics but it takes effort and heart to help others in need.
There are many ways in which we can help others. We can take time to talk to someone who is going through difficult times, we can donate food and clothing to institutions that distribute them to needy people in the community. By giving our 10% in church, we help those who are ministering God’s word in this country and the world.
God gives us so many blessings. It is our responsibility to give back so that others can know of his love and mercy.
Have a great day!
Author Unknown
Submitted by Richard

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